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Our Centenary Year

Boston High School has been at the heart of the educational provision for girls in Boston since 1921. In our centenary year, we are proud to celebrate our community, our heritage, our standards, values, and success. Most importantly of all though, we are proud to celebrate the students, staff and families that have made our school what it is and what it stands for..

‘100 Years of excellence, 100 Years of Service’

Our Mission Statement sums up what we stand for…


  • Leading, as individuals and as a community

  • Achieving our Learning ambitions and potential

  • Most importantly, supporting one another Together at school and beyond.


Our Values Statement… Our values permeate through all we do…

Commitment   Opportunity   Discipline   Excellence

We define this as our CODE.

Commitment; towards our school, ambitions, achievement,  progress,  development,  learning, safety. Also, commitment to each other, to our duties, and our broader commitment to local, national and global needs
Opportunity; a determination to take advantage of opportunities in life; to be the best we can be.
Discipline; a recognition that a disciplined and focused attitude is essential in order to achieve our best and to give our best.
Excellence; a determination to achieve to our highest possible standards and contribute fully to society.


Our School Structure…

For 11-16-year olds, we are a selective Girls Grammar School. For 16-18-year olds, we are a mixed Sixth Form with a comprehensive intake.

We are proud that we provide an environment which nurtures and values young people, enabling them to grow into confident, successful adults and educated citizens, helping them to develop their Cultural Capital and engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

We aim to equip our students with the experiences, skills and self-esteem to decide on what their future can be, and then, to gain the qualifications which will set them onto that path. Our students blossom here, they are articulate, focused and determined individuals and we provide an environment which encourages and stimulates intellectual curiosity.

Our Curriculum (LLORR)…

We seek to nurture a Love of Learning, to create lifelong Opportunities, and instil a sense of Respect and develop our learners’ Resilience.

We are ambitious for all!


Our Ambition…

Qualifications are a passport to our students’ on-going success. The results gained by our students are fantastic. At A-Level and GCSE our results are consistently impressive, allowing students to open doors to opportunities and aspirations.

Furthermore, we strive to prepare students for the challenges and joys that come with a fulfilled and happy life, both here and beyond.

Our students rise to challenges and are forward thinking and community spirited. Opportunities for leadership and individual development are offered throughout the school.

We are proud of the spirit of collaboration and care which is apparent from the moment one steps into the school.

We are proud of our students, our staff, our community, and our school!

We welcome you to our Centenary website and to our school and encourage you to learn more about our unique learning community here at Boston High School.


Welcome to our Centenary.

Mr Andrew Fulbrook, Headteacher

01205 310505

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